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Time Management for Remote Learning
Last Updated: Apr 11, 2023

What is Remote Learning?

Remote learning, also sometimes known as distance learning, is instruction provided to students from a distance based on a need. For example, in Winter 2020 the need arose for remote learning due to COVID-19, and all courses - whether online, hybrid, in-person, studio or labs - went fully online. Having your in-person class moved completely online can be stressful and reveal a lot of unknowns in how your class may function. Don’t panic! GVSU has compiled a list of resources for students and faculty alike in their transition from in-person courses to remote learning. This guide will walk you through tips and tricks for managing your time and learning.

What can I do to stay on-track?

Depending on your learning style, taking courses online might relieve the stress of commuting and allow you to complete a degree program while working full time, or it might add stress and anxiety to your education. Either way, we’re here to help with a guide from the Knowledge Market on time management for virtual learning!

Weekly Schedule & Upcoming Deadlines: 

  • Use a schedule, calendar, or app to keep track of  live synchronous meetings (lectures at certain dates/times each week), office hours, and deadlines. 
  • Schedule out each hour of your week including class time, study time, and even relaxation time.
  • Try to create weekly goals or deadlines for yourself, in addition to course deadlines. For example, if you have a paper due in three weeks, set a goal to have an ideal and outline within one week and a draft within two.

Email & Virtual Communication: 

  • Check your email and Blackboard regularly, at least a few times a week, for important information from your instructor. This could be an email about the upcoming week’s schedule, an adjustment to the semester schedule, or assignment reminders. 
  • Be mindful of etiquette when communicating with professors and classmates online. Be kind and understand that working remotely might be new for your professor or peers.

Technology and Troubleshooting:

  • Make sure that you are able to login to Blackboard, your email, and campus network. If you have trouble logging in, contact the IT Service Desk
  • Some courses will include live synchronous meetings  or online office hours with your professor using Zoom. This technology typically requires you to have a device with a webcam and microphone, but you can also join calls using your cell phone or chat.
  • Find a reliable network: Technical issues can happen at any time, but it’s best to prepare ahead of time with a trustworthy signal, if you can.
  • Reach out to your professors and classmates if you have questions or want to discuss course material. 
  • Have a system and a plan for managing your course-related file storage, such as a cloud account, a GVSU network drive, or a GVSU Google Drive.

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This article is part of the Grand Valley State University Knowledge Market