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Using Blackboard
Last Updated: Apr 11, 2023

What is Blackboard? 

Blackboard is an online management system used by most GVSU professors and classes. Every student at GVSU has an account and are automatically added to their registered courses each semester. It’s a helpful way for you as the student to keep track of assignments, check grades, and engage with the class. Blackboard is an important resource for students, as it is the main source of communication from professors to students outside of face-to-face instruction. It is important to check Blackboard daily to stay on track and up-to-date on vital class, assignment, or exam instructions. Additionally, some clubs and organizations on campus use Blackboard as well, because it’s a convenient way to share documents, calendars, and other information with the group. 

Why do I use Blackboard? 

You can use Blackboard for a variety of things, but it will mostly depend on how engaged your professor is with posting, or using technology. As a student, Blackboard is a helpful way for you to know what’s going on and what’s expected of you in each course, organization, or group. Some examples of ways you might engage with Blackboard include: 

Check announcements from your professor, such as assignment reminders or if check has been cancelled (these may also be sent to your GVSU student email by default) 

  • Check your Grades
  • Access lecture notes, videos, and other course-related materials such as the syllabus and course-outline
  • Discuss class content with your peers on the Discussion Board
  • Turn in assignments and receive them back
  • Access video-sharing capabilities 
  • Email your instructor and classmates
  • Access your professor’s office hours and other contact information

Learn More:

  1. GVSU Information Technology (IT)
  2. GVSU IT - Self Help
  3. GVSU eLearning 

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