What is the Knowledge Market Privacy Policy?
After visiting with a Knowledge Market consultant to work on research, writing, speech, or digital skills, you will complete session notes together. Session notes, also known as the Student Session Summary, provide detailed information on the focus of your consultation, the steps you took to meet your goals, and what work will be completed after the session. As a student, you have the option to send your session notes to yourself, and/or share them with your course professor.
The Knowledge Market maintains important relationships with many entities on campus through the sharing of information recorded after consultations; this information is de-identified prior to sharing. The KM services can share some information about specific students with Academic and Student Affairs faculty and staff upon request; however, informed consent is required for sharing copies of the Student Session Summary.
Can information be shared without my consent?
Yes, there are exceptions and some information can be shared without informed consent of the student. For instance, copies of the Student Session Summary can only be shared without student consent under the following exceptions:
- In the event a student brings in a take home exam, wherein consultants are required to send a copy of the Student Session Summary to the professor
- In the instance of a professor-required visit; professors are allowed to check in on the progress for grading purposes
- In the instance of a higher-appointed office (dean, department head) investigating issues of grievance, complaint, or concern
- In the event of clear and imminent danger to yourself or of another person, which will be reported through the Care Report system
- In the event of reporting recent sexual assault/violence or other violent crimes that “occurred on campus, in residence facilities, in non-campus property utilized by the institution, and on public property adjacent to the campus” as defined by Title IX
- In the event of reporting “academic integrity violations, bias incidents, or student conduct violations” as defined by Public Incident Reporting at GVSU
Identifiable information from the Student Session Summary that can be shared without informed consent (under implied consent) include:
- Attendance
- Dates of attendance
- Service used
- Competencies worked on (check box information)
- Activities and next step (summary of the narrative)
However, the following information is private and will not be shared without informed consent:
- The Exit Survey is private and will not be shared even upon request; the results from the survey will be retained in aggregate and never be connected to individual clients.
- Fellow students and/or group members will only receive information from the Student Session Summary if the client-student provides informed consent; no information can be shared about a specific student with another student without informed consent.
- Student Peer Consultants are not permitted to discuss details from a session with any individual outside the service. This would be in violation of FERPA.
If you have any issues, questions, or concerns, please contact Jen Torreano, Knowledge Market Manager.
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