During library hours, you can return materials either directly to us at the service desk, or at one of the drop boxes near the library entrances. For all non-technology items, you do not have to return your items to the library they came from: we accept returns from any GVSU library at all GVSU libraries. All borrowed technology, like laptops and chargers, however, must be returned at the library you checked them out from in their protective coverings.
If we are closed and you would like to return an item, there are library drop boxes located near the libraries:
- On the Allendale campus, there is a drop box outside the south entrance of the Mary Idema Pew Library as well as one near the north doors by the William Seidman statue.
- On the Grand Rapids Pew campus, there is a library drop box in the faculty lot off of Winter Avenue.
- In DCIH, there is a drop box in the print room near the entrance to the Frey Foundation Learning Commons.
You can also mail books back to the library. We recommend mailing books via USPS Media Mail for the most affordable shipping. Mailing address:
Mary Idema Pew Library
1 Campus Drive
Allendale, MI 49401