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Visitor Parking

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Answered By: Matthew Reidsma
Last Updated: Mar 01, 2023     Views: 7729

Allendale Campus
Visitors can pick up a free parking permit at Public Safety with a photo ID and license plate number. Public Safety is located on Service Drive, just past the Alumni House on Campus Drive. 

Metered visitor parking is also available in front of the Kirkhof Center next door to the Mary Idema Pew Library. Meters cost 30 cents for each 12 minutes or $1.50 per hour with a 4 hour limit.

Additionally, on the weekends, visitors can park in any regular parking spot for free. The closest parking lot is Lot H, directly across Campus Drive from the library.

Grand Rapids Pew Campus
You can obtain a temporary parking permit from Pew Campus Security department with a photo ID and your license plate number. Pew Campus Security is located in the Eberhard Center at 301 West Fulton Street in downtown Grand Rapids. Short-term parking while you get your permit is allowed in the Eberhard lot directly adjacent to the building. 

Additionally, on the weekends, visitors can park in any regular parking spot for free. The F/S lot on the Grand Rapids Pew Campus is the nearest open lot to Steelcase. 

Near Steelcase, there are meters located northwest of the building in the DeVos lot. 

Near the Frey Learning Center, there are meters located on the north side of the CHS building, and 9 visitor spots in the lower level garage if you have a permit.