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Missing Library Materials

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Answered By: Alisia
Last Updated: Oct 13, 2023     Views: 219

Can't find your item?

If you misplaced a library item, please email The library staff will work with you to determine an appropriate replacement price for the item.

Returned an item and still receiving overdue notices?

If you returned a library item but are still receiving overdue notices, please fill out the online Claimed Returned Form. Completing this form will allow you to access library resources until the issue is resolved. In the meantime, the item will stay on your account listed as "claims returned," and you will continue to receive the automated overdue notices. Please, take these as a reminder to continue looking for the item yourself, while library staff also continue looking for the item.

Worried about the fine?

Once an item is considered "lost," an automatic fine is charged to the account. If the item is found, either by you or by library staff, the charge on your account will be removed. However, if the item is not found within 3 months, a library staff member will contact you to discuss options, which may include reducing the fine amount.

Need more help?

You can find more information about Fines and Overdue Materials and about Borrowing Policies on these pages. If you have additional questions about these processes or your library account, feel free to contact the library staff directly or send an email to

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