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Students: How to find Course Reserve items in the library catalog

Search Help

Answered By: Matthew Reidsma
Last Updated: Jul 06, 2024     Views: 496


Some library materials are set aside for specific courses. These are called Course Reserves.

The University Libraries provide physical course reserves to help ensure that students in a specific course have an opportunity to access designated materials. To provide this access, Course Reserve materials can only be checked out for a brief amount of time, which is typically just a few hours.


To determine if your class has any items on Course Reserve, follow these steps:

  1. Open the libraries' Book Search.
  2. At the top of the screen, select the Browse button.
  3. From this drop-down menu, select the Course Reserves option.
  4. From the Course Reserves screen, search for your course and/or instructor.
In the search bar, you can type the course name, course code, or the instructor’s name (Ex. Writing Strategies, WRT 120, Janice Smith). Otherwise, you can choose from the department code options, the list of instructors, or the list of courses at the bottom of the page.

  1. When search options populate, select a course.
From the selected course screen, you can view which items have been reserved for that course. However, you cannot place a hold. In order to check out these items, you will need to visit the listed campus library in person and ask for the item at the service desk.


If you look up an item in the Library Catalog and notice that the location states “Course Reserve,” that item has been set aside from the regular collection and is being held at the listed campus library. If you have additional questions, you are welcome to contact library staff.