This article demonstrates how to get a permanent, shareable link from ScienceDirect. For more information and instructions for other platforms see: Sharing links to e-resources
For articles on ScienceDirect, it’s fine to copy and paste the URL from the address bar in your browser. There is also a DOI link below the article title. This will work as a permalink as well, though it’s best to test it first to make sure it loads the expected article.
In ScienceDirect, you cannot share a link to the PDF version of articles. There is not a way to proxy a link to a PDF that will work for off-campus users. Make sure you're using the main page for the article, as in the example shown here.

If you’re accessing ScienceDirect on-campus when you copy the link, you may need to add the proxy prefix so off-campus users are able to access the article. Please visit the Link Fixer tool for more information and to test and adjust your link if needed.